4C UR Future


Established in 2019, 4C UR Future is an industry-led social enterprise. 

We aim to involve, inform, and inspire every young person in Northern Ireland to make more empowered education and career choices; helping them to unlock their potential and enabling them to become the best version of themselves, optimising their future opportunities.

We use a person-centred approach that focuses on the individual. 

We aim to inform young people of the wide range of education pathways and career routes available to them and help them identify their own unique combination of talents, skills, and learning styles, to help them make more informed decisions that affect their own futures.

We know that the future of work looks very different than it does today, and the change is rapid, with new sectors, in-demand skills, and even entirely new jobs emerging.

 This can make choosing GCSE subjects, education pathways, and future career options complex, confusing, and stressful – both for young people and their parents.

We’ve engaged with teachers and parents – two of the most influential sources of careers advice – and they’ve told us they would benefit from up to date, relevant, and relatable resources to help navigate the careers labyrinth and help support young people on their decision-making journeys.

We have ambitious plans to involve, inform, and inspire every young person in Northern Ireland with enhanced careers support, and we’re starting with:

4C UR Future LIVE

4C UR Future LIVE is a fast-paced and action-packed careers inspiration event for Year 9 pupils, featuring work-based games and skills challenges that have been developed in collaboration with local employers. The events are facilitated by over 500 volunteers from 80+ cross-sectoral organisations.

Games aim to draw out and identify each young person’s strengths and attributes, with each student receiving a positive ‘Player Feedback Profile’ after the event.

In 2022, 4C UR Future LIVE is being delivered as an at-scale pilot, which means places are limited and reserved on a first come, first served basis (subject to equality of opportunity criteria).

Schools must register their Year 9 pupils to attend the event as a whole year group. 

Send a link to our website to your child’s school to let them know about our exciting events.


The 4C UR Future CAREERS PORTAL is a digital engagement platform full of useful resources, activities, and signposting to further sources of information and support.

It is a first generation pilot platform that is being released in phases. The first release is for Year 10 pupils, who must be registered by their school or teacher.

For academic year 2022/2023, all Year 10 pupils will be able to access the platform. This includes those Year 10 pupils who have attended a 4C UR Future LIVE event and those who have not.

Useful Links

Want to get in touch?

We welcome feedback from parents and guardians.