4C UR Future

Job title

Project Manager


Cooneen Group

Tell us more about you

I’m a Project Manager who works in Co. Tyrone. I studied Chemical Engineering at Queen’s University. I’m a bit of a geek who enjoys finding out how everything works, whether it’s software, technology, or other systems. In my free time I like to stay fit by running, cycling, and swimming.

What kind of work do you do?

Day to day I project manage the design, development, and contracts won by Cooneen Aviation. This means I’m involved in all aspects of the business from Technical, Operations, and Commercial.

On the technical side, I author and control all technical documentation such as test reports, manuals, qualifications, and also supply ballistic expertise when needed. In operations I ensure all milestones are met so the product is “ready to order” by the customer. I also organise and monitor product integration, assist in maintaining any quality accreditations, and I’m a dangerous goods advisor.

On the commercial side, I engage with end users/customers to acquire new business and look after product costings.

Top 5 Skills & Attributes Needed for your job

  • Analytical

  • Critical Thinker & Problem Solver

  • Flexible & Adaptable

  • Motivated By Winning

  • Strategic Thinker

How did you become a Project Manager?

In secondary school, I enjoyed and excelled in Maths, Science, IT, and Technology. I went on to study Chemical Engineering at Queen's University and achieved a 2.1. After that, I began searching for a job.

I was contacted by a recruitment company that had a job description they wanted me to look at that was fairly local. It turned out to be for the role of Ballistic Design Engineer, which I had no experience in and didn't think I was suited for, but I was convinced to go for the interview. Fast forward two weeks and I was beginning my first full time job at a fairly large clothing company, designing body armour for Police and Military services around the world.

After five years of progressing in that role I was asked to be the Project Manager to help start up a new company in the Aviation Sector. This is where I have worked for almost 12 months and have thoroughly enjoyed it.

What you do enjoy most about your job?

Helping design very technical clothing, which a customer has not been able to find through other companies. It’s very satisfying and rewarding to watch the prototypes go into production.

We supply a wide range of textile-based goods to some of the most recognisable brands around the world. This includes Body Armour to the UK, France, and New Zealand, Flight Gear to the UK, Netherlands, Finland, and Singapore. And corporate clothing to An Post, TFL, G4S, and RAC, as well as children’s clothing for Disney and Asda.

If you could do-over, What would you do differently?

I would probably focus less on getting specific academic qualifications and look for training in leadership, management, business, logistics, and operations. These are key aspects of most jobs and I only realised how important they are when I began to work.

I learned a lot on the job, asked lots of questions, and made many small mistakes before I felt confident enough to work in these areas. I see a lot of graduates join our company who are in the same situation I was in, where they have a degree but lack experience and training in other areas, which is flexible and useful.

What advice would you give someone starting out on their career jouney today?

Don’t worry if you end up working in a different career or job role than your qualifications are for. For a long time I was convinced I would go on to work as a Chemical Engineer but the reality is lots of people have career pathways that mean they end up working in different sectors or in different jobs than they first thought they would; learn new skills on the job and adapt to it.

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