4C UR Future

Job title

Content Manager


Excalibur Press

Tell us more about you

I’m a 27 year old Copywriter and Content Creator currently living in Belfast.

I’m a massive homebody, and I love to keep busy. Even in my free time I like to pick up as many hobbies as possible. I love cooking, baking, and entertaining friends and I also love reading.

What kind of work do you do?

I am a Content Manager at Excalibur Press, overseeing the day to day operations of the business.

My job is very varied and my daily duties depend on the clients we work with at any given time. I work in all aspects of social media, from setting up accounts for businesses and creating content, to managing their platforms and analysing their performance.

Some days I liaise with the media and issue press releases, while other days I would write in-depth guides or industry reports.

I’m responsible for liaising with various clients, including attending meetings, sitting in on video calls, or simply sending emails. I also prepare any documents required for meetings, and deal with follow-up enquiries and make notes during the meetings.

On an average day I review, edit, and approve content created by our team of Content Creators and Journalists. I also organise and allocate tasks and support my colleagues in any way I can.

My work is very collaborative, so I work as part of a team every day. As Content Manager I allocate tasks and projects to my colleagues and liaise with clients to deliver all the content created by the team.

I also have projects that I work on independently, but I can always rely on the support and guidance of the team if needed.

My work is mostly done on the computer, but depending on the clients we work with, I have the opportunity to travel across the country to various events, meetings, and training sessions.

I work in an office from Monday to Thursday with my co-workers, and work from home on Fridays. We have a very flexible working arrangement and if the circumstances call for it I can work from home or remotely.

Top 5 Skills & Attributes Needed for your job

  • Collaborative

  • Flexible & Adaptable

  • Planner

  • Practical

  • Team Player

How did you become a Content Manager ?

For a long time, I was unsure of what career path I wanted to pursue, which meant I was working in jobs that had nothing to do with the position I’m in today.

While studying Business at university, I worked in a bakery part-time, and thought I would one day open my own bakery and be a small business owner.

I completed my degree in Business with Marketing at Ulster University and graduated with first class honours, receiving a distinction in a Diploma for my placement year abroad; I went on an Erasmus placement in Germany.

After graduating, I tried to break into the world of work but faced the problem of not having any relevant industry experience, so I was turned down for most positions I applied for, which really impacted my confidence.

Following the pandemic, I decided to try something new and enrolled in a Data Analytics Academy, which included a guaranteed industry placement with an organisation.

On successful completion of the Academy, I was presented with the opportunity to work at Excalibur Press. It was the perfect opportunity to put my business and marketing degree to use and it gave me an opportunity to get a foot in the door of the marketing industry.

When my placement was finished, I kept working for the company as a freelance Content Creator, which quickly turned into a full-time position. Soon after, I was promoted to Senior Content Creator and Copywriter, and a year after that I was promoted to my current position as Content Manager.

While working full-time, I’m currently also completing a Level 5 qualification in Leadership and Management at South Eastern Regional College.

What you do enjoy most about your job?

No two days are the same. There’s always new challenges and I can learn something new every day. I get to interact with businesses from all over the country and learn about industries that I never even knew existed.

If you could do-over, What would you do differently?

Getting industry experience is one of the most important things you can do for your future career.

If I could start again, I would make sure to volunteer or find a part-time job where I could get more hands-on experience and learn as much as I can from people in the world of work.

What advice would you give someone starting out on their career jouney today?

If you don’t know what your future career will look like when you’re 16, that’s OK. Try and get as many experiences as you can to see what you like and what you’re good at.

Try and get as many experiences as you can.

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