4C UR Future

Job title

Key Account Specialist



Tell us more about you

I have three sons aged 3 to 13. I enjoy spending my time with them on walks around parks and beaches, attending various family friendly activities, and generally using my free time for family time.

What kind of work do you do?

My role with Staffline Recruitment is managing various customer accounts and supplying various suitable candidates for roles including in a scientific capacity as well as administrative staff throughout Northern Ireland. I work closely with the client to provide the best service possible, as well as managing our temp candidates. I work in the Portadown office four days a week and also work from home one day a week.

Top 5 Skills & Attributes Needed for your job

  • Planner

  • Communicator

  • Results Driven

  • Strategic Thinker

  • Team Player

How did you become a Key Account Specialist?

I completed my A Levels, which included Business Studies, and I knew my journey was to one day be part of a strong and dynamic enterprise. I went to University to complete a degree in Business and Accounts.

I worked for a different employer but was made redundant. I registered with Staffline to search for new work opportunities and was offered the chance to cover reception in the Belfast office for two weeks. I was grateful for the opportunity and applied for the role when the vacancy was advertised.

After two years as a receptionist, I advanced into a role offering sales support for the public sector. I was interested in the role of an account manager and knew I wanted to advance my career and one day manage my own account. With the support of my manager I became an account coordinator before progressing to become a Key Account Specialist. I've been with the company now for a total of eight years.

What you do enjoy most about your job?

I love everything about my job but my main enjoyment comes from the satisfaction of meeting challenges set. If I'm given a new challenge, I make it a personal priority to see it through to the best of my ability. There is always someone to believe in you. I never feel I am doing anything alone, which makes the journey so much easier.

If you could do-over, What would you do differently?

I have no regrets about my path. I've been fortunate to have such a great support system from the company. Anything and everything I have hoped to achieve in my career I have been successful in and have always looked at it that things can only get better.

What advice would you give someone starting out on their career jouney today?

My advice to anyone starting their career journey would be 'don’t give up'. If you set yourself a goal, with hard work and the right support, you can achieve it. Take any opportunity for training to develop your skills and technique. As someone who has faced redundancy with two young children to support at the time, and thinking the worst, I look back now and can say I'm proud of myself.

If you put your mind to it you can achieve the impossible.

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