4C UR Future

Career Heroes - Cobhlaith Crossan

Job title



21 Training

Tell us more about you

I love going to the beach on the weekends when I’m off work and spending time with family and friends.


What kind of work do you do?

As an Administrator, my daily work includes dealing with queries by phone and via email, typing up letters, greeting visitors at reception, arranging post and deliveries, filing folders, and assisting other admin staff. I also assist tutors, work with trainees, and help to locate work experience placements for trainees.

I work from the main Skills For Life and Work office, where we deliver professional qualifications for trainees who have left school and want to go into further education. We help with arranging Apprenticeships for young people aged 16-24 and we also deliver qualifications to private clients.

I mostly work as part of a team; tutors and other members of staff work with me to get general information regarding the trainees.

Top 5 Skills & Attributes Needed for your job

  • Accountable

  • Communicator

  • Focused & Committed

  • Positive Attitude

  • Problem Solver

How did you become a Administrator?

I left school when I was 16 and joined Strabane Training Services, which is now 21 Training, as a trainee. I was working towards my qualification in Business Admin for two years and completed my placement at 21 Training.

While on my course I was working part-time in the local shop and then once I finished training I worked in the shop full time for a few years. I was then offered a full-time position at 21 Training.

What you do enjoy most about your job?

I enjoy getting up in the morning and coming to my work to see my colleagues and all the trainees, as well as meeting visitors on a daily basis. I love the hours and having a set routine.

If you could do-over, What would you do differently?

I don’t think I would change anything, I’m happy with the choices I’ve made and in my workplace, and with the progress that I’ve made since I left school.

I joined 21 Training as a trainee and saw what a great place it was. I enjoyed it then and still enjoy it now.

What advice would you give someone starting out on their career jouney today?

Take your time. Think about what you want to do in the future, especially from Year 10 when you are making your GCSE choices. Things that would be important to me include if the work is steady and secure and what the salary is.
Not everyone will know what they want to do but it’s important to look at all of your options.

Seek advice to help you make the right choices.

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