4C UR Future

Job title

Digital Process Analyst


Danske Bank

Tell us more about you

I’m a Digital Process Analyst with Danske Bank and I’ve worked in the financial sector for 19 years.

Though I studied travel and tourism at college, I changed path to apply to the bank at entry level and have worked my way up to my current role.

What kind of work do you do?

I look at all of the banking processes and break them down so that we can put them on the Danske Bank website, where the customer can easefully apply for an account, a mortgage, or a loan. It’s all about making sure our customers can do their banking easily on a digital platform, since these days very few people have the time or desire to go into a branch and do their banking in person - so much of life has become digital and it is the same with banking.

My job as a Digital Process Analyst is to work with others in the team to refine these processes and continually make them more user-friendly. I’m currently working hybrid (working partly in the office and partly from home or remotely). Most of our communication is digital but we do also understand the importance of real-time and in-person meetings and collaboration, so it can be a mix of both.

Top 5 Skills & Attributes Needed for your job

  • Analytical

  • Flexible & Adaptable

  • Innovative & Creative Thinker

  • Communicator

  • Motivated By Excellence

How did you become a Digital Process Analyst ?

I started my career at Danske Bank working in branches, learning all the different roles and customer service skills. After I had my family I returned to work part-time and then moved to the bank’s back office operations department where I learnt the processing side of banking, dealing with all of our customer’s needs.

When my children were older, I applied for a temporary promotion to manage one of the teams in Danske Bank’s back office operations.

I was successful and through that role I developed my management skills. After a year as Team Manager, I then applied for an operations internship. This was a six month development opportunity where I was introduced to automation within the banking sector. I was then successful in gaining a permanent position within the team.

What you do enjoy most about your job?

I’m most passionate about improving the digital banking process for the customer, and making banking more accessible to do via your computer, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone.

Gone are the days when you had to sit in the bank for an hour or more and wait to speak to someone to take out a loan - now you simply complete the application online.

I look at the processes that are in place within the Danske Bank system to consider how they can be adapted or translated into a digital operation. I don’t build these systems or do any of the coding that makes them work as they do, I analyse their effectiveness and monitor how customers are engaging with and using them.

Danske Bank is a fabulous company to work for - they’re a Danish company and they really do put employee welfare at the top of their ethos, and diversity and inclusion is an important part of the bank’s community. I work with a wide variety of people including people based in Belfast, Dublin, India, and Denmark - it’s an international network of communication.

If you could do-over, What would you do differently?

I don’t think I would change anything. I’ve enjoyed the career path that I’ve chosen, have worked hard, and made a lot of great friends and colleagues along the way.

What advice would you give someone starting out on their career jouney today?

I’ve worked hard to get where I am, but if someone was academically minded and wanted to go into banking I’d advise them to perhaps do a degree that would be relevant to the financial sector. The other option is to enter the bank at a lower level and work your way up as I did, doing banking exams with the IBOA as well as relevant analyst courses.

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