4C UR Future

Job title

Design Engineer


PAC Group

Tell us more about you

I’m a Mechanical Design Engineer and have my own small business as well doing product design as a side hustle to my industrial day job. I spend all my free time and spare money on cars. I love finding out more about new technology, such as 3D printing. I’m happiest behind the wheel or in front of a computer. If I wasn’t an Engineer I’d probably be an Architect. I like the idea of designing houses. I love dogs and one day I’d love to have my own small farm.

What kind of work do you do?

As a Mechanical Design Engineer I work across all the areas of the company, but mainly in the Automation division, which includes extensive use of SolidWorks (a computer-aided engineering application) for solid modelling and technical drawing, as well as AutoCAD (a computer-aided design application) for layout drafting.

On a daily basis my other responsibilities include resource management and the use of job management software (eWorks). This involves time scheduling, creating purchase orders, processing invoices, and liaising with suppliers, customers, and sub-contractors.

I’m involved with team leadership and enjoy working with Junior Engineers; assigning them projects, scheduling their work, and initiating their career development and offering guidance, where required. I feel my extrovert tendencies naturally gravitate me towards leadership.

My other duties include generating new business, conducting site visits, drafting concepts, and developing proposals and quotes for customers. I’m particularly excited about bringing more robotics projects into the business. Working closely with the Senior Management Team, I've gained unique insights, which has been a fantastic learning opportunity.

Top 5 Skills & Attributes Needed for your job

  • Accountable

  • Communicator

  • Focused & Committed

  • Critical Thinker & Problem Solver

  • Technical

How did you become a Design Engineer ?

I’ve always enjoyed Maths and Science, so a STEM career was a natural choice. After completing my A Levels, I went on to study at Ulster University. I did a placement year in an automation company here in Northern Ireland before going on to complete a one month internship in a start-up accelerator company in China.

During my final year of study I got a graduate job working for a roller door fabrication company in Donegal. I worked there for two years while finishing my Master’s in Mechanical Engineering at Ulster University. I also completed a postgraduate Diploma in Business Management at Queen’s University.

Whilst at the roller door fabrication company, I got to extensively develop my mechanical engineering skills, running the Engineering Department as well as honing my business skills by liaising with employees across the company to develop a Business Process Automation Tool to reduce everyone’s workload.

What you do enjoy most about your job?

I love the variety. Every day is different. I always loved designing things in my spare time and had a love for automation and automotive applications.

Mechanical Engineering is a broad area with plenty of room to specialise post-education. I went down the design engineering and mechatronics route into automation.

If you could do-over, What would you do differently?

I would have left school at sixteen, gone on to North West Regional College, and studied Mechanical Engineering before progressing to University.

I feel that I would have got a much more practical career experience sooner through this educational route. I also could potentially have entered the same role much sooner in life.

What advice would you give someone starting out on their career jouney today?

Play to your strengths and pick something that you will enjoy doing. Don’t focus on what will make the most money. The rewards will come when you like what you do as you will be more interested and enthusiastic. You will then end up producing better work and will progress quicker doing something that you ultimately enjoy.

Play to your strengths and pick something that you will enjoy doing.

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