4C UR Future

Job title

Business Owner


Excalibur Press

Tell us more about you

I’m mum to Logan (age 10) and partner to a musician and songwriter, Ciaran. I’m hugely passionate about my work and consider myself very lucky to work in a career I love. I try to spend as much time outside of work with my partner and son. We love to explore arts and culture events as well as embark on creative endeavours at home.

I was diagnosed with ADHD at 43, and whilst there’ve been a number of ways in which this has held me back over the years, I’ve been lucky to embrace the positive aspects of how this gives me a different outlook and perspective on many projects, and in some cases I’ve used it to my advantage.

What kind of work do you do?

I own a business called Excalibur Press. It is a multi-disciplinary media and marketing agency. My days are always very different. Some days I could be working with clients to create their marketing, public relations (PR), digital content strategies, and other days I could be working on a high-level copywriting project or delivering training in everything from social media and copywriting, to marketing and media.

Top 5 Skills & Attributes Needed for your job

  • Entrepreneurial

  • Innovative & Creative Thinker

  • Critical Thinker & Problem Solver

  • Empathetic

  • Positive Attitude

How did you become a Business Owner?

I started my career as a Journalist, eventually specialising in showbiz and business, as this is where my passions were. I then pivoted into copywriting and publicity management.

I’ve always been entrepreneurial and I’ve always been obsessed with people’s stories. I think it was inevitable that I would end up in media and marketing due to my incessant curious nature.

It didn’t all come easy though. I spent many, many years doing endless amounts of work experience just to get my foot in the door. Still today, at 44, I will take on new projects and sometimes work for free just to get the opportunity to learn a new skill.

What you do enjoy most about your job?

I love the ever changing nature of the day to day challenges. I love having deadlines; the pressure and the adrenaline rush of having to complete a task in a certain amount of time.

When it comes to problem solving and crisis communications, this is where I probably thrive. I especially like being faced with a high-stress situation and having to figure out a solution to whatever problem is facing my client.

If you could do-over, What would you do differently?

I would ask more questions about why I do what I do in the way I do it. I’d hope that if I had a “do over”, I could learn more about ADHD and recognise it earlier on in my life.

I’d also hope that I wouldn’t be plagued with “imposter syndrome” throughout my 20s. I should have had more inner confidence in my own capabilities and potential, to match how I appeared on the exterior.

To be honest, although I’ve had many challenges in my life from failed businesses and bankruptcy to my offices being severely damaged in a fire in 2022, I don’t think I would want to do anything differently. I believe every challenge I’ve ever had has made me the resilient and strong business woman I am today.

What advice would you give someone starting out on their career jouney today?

The adults in your life love you very much. They want you to do your best and whether you recognise it or not, they see the person you will one day become. They know what you are capable of and they can see the success you can be.

That said, they are not you. They don’t know what’s inside of you and they don’t know what truly fires up your passion and enthusiasm on a daily basis.

Be strong and stand up for yourself. If you have a passion, don’t ever let someone tell you it should be your Plan B. Always strive to stay on the path that will lead you to happiness and joy, and never ever forget why you want to do what you want to do.

You can never get enough work experience. Get your foot through every door you can in the industry you want to be in, because whilst your education is very important, it’s equally important to get to know people in your industry and embed yourself in that community.

Be strong and stand up for yourself.

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