4C UR Future

Job title

Senior Developer


Excalibur Press

Tell us more about you

I’m passionate about all things tech and love to explore new technologies such as 3D printing, AI (artificial intelligence) and VR (virtual reality). In my spare time I enjoy music production and videography and generally being creative.

As someone who is neurodivergent, with both Autism and ADHD, I find that I need creative challenges in both my work life and home life in order to perform to my best. I also thrive by approaching these challenges and chaotic situations in a procedural fashion.

What kind of work do you do?

I’m a Senior Developer. I plan, design, build, test, and support web-based applications for a variety of organisations from small shops to government organisations.

I work both independently and as part of a team, and work a hybrid model between an office and home. I probably prefer working in the office, but I do like the balance of hybrid work. As most of my work is done on a computer, I could feasibly work from anywhere.

Top 5 Skills & Attributes Needed for your job

  • Critical Thinker & Problem Solver

  • Technical

  • Communicator

  • Planner

  • Procedural

How did you become a Senior Developer?

Many people face a “chicken and egg” scenario in the modern workplace. They can’t get a job without experience, they can’t get experience without a job. My solution was to create my own job, which then made it easier to speak with potential employers as they could see I had already done what they would like to hire me to do, making me less of a risk.

At university, I went to all of the local networking events for my industry. But I also started and ran a few events myself to help build my experience and contacts. I started a degree in Economics with Marketing, which I finished as a degree in Business Studies, before studying Software Development at postgraduate level.

Education isn’t only something you do at school or university though. Most of the skills I use every day I developed in my own time. One of the great things you learn at university is structure; planning and learning how to learn independently.

What you do enjoy most about your job?

I enjoy the challenge of using technology to help turn small businesses just starting out into serious and respected players in their market, creating customer value and jobs in the community.

Can you imagine what the pandemic would have been like without being able to order shopping online or keep learning online? Or the multitude of other things websites and web apps enable?

Not only are Web Developers at the forefront of the economy, building businesses and jobs, but we enable modern society to function, increasing the efficiency with which people are connected to what they need to survive and thrive.

If you could do-over, What would you do differently?

There are no shortcuts to becoming the person I am today, as all of the experiences I’ve had, both good and bad, are a part of who I am and the skills I’ve developed.

That said, I have learned over the years that it’s important to communicate more often with my colleagues and clients, as this can help collaborative working and help people to understand your methods and processes.

What advice would you give someone starting out on their career jouney today?

To students with neurodivergence; don’t be afraid to speak up when you need help. Don’t be afraid to stand your ground and speak your ideas because you have as much right to communicate them as everyone else.

Never stop learning and trying new things.

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