4C UR Future

Job title

Junior Analyst



Tell us more about you

I’m a final year student at Ulster University studying Finance and Investment Management. I love going to the gym to help me relax and stay fit and healthy. I also love cooking and baking.


What kind of work do you do?

As a Junior Analyst, you’re given the same responsibilities as an Analyst 1 or Analyst 2 and trusted with important information. I worked in a team of four people every day. In the mornings we’d have a brief for the day and the Team Leader would assign us tasks that we needed to complete that day.

I worked alongside one of the world’s leading investment banks for the year and got an insight into the basics of investment banking. I also worked with clients all around the world to carry out KYC (Know Your Customer) reviews on investors.

I got involved in the FinTrU culture through charity events and being part of the Women in Finance Committee.

Top 5 Skills & Attributes Needed for your job

  • Communicator

  • Focused & Committed

  • Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

  • Team Player

  • Ethical

How did you become a Junior Analyst?

In secondary school, I did A Levels in Math, Religion, and Geography, but I always knew I wanted to do something in finance.

I applied for the Finance and Investment Management degree and got the grades I needed to be accepted onto the course. I’m now in my final year and after I graduate in Summer 2022, I will return to work for FinTrU.

My degree includes a compulsory placement year, so I applied to FinTrU as I’d heard a lot of good reviews from past placement students. I started my placement in July 2021 and finished in July 2022.

I’m glad I completed this placement as I’ve learned many new skills, which will be invaluable in my future career. I also secured a graduate job with the company.

What you do enjoy most about your job?

I enjoyed working with my team, and I always felt valued and trusted. I also enjoyed the fact that FinTrU held networking sessions to help us make friends and get to know different people within the company.

If you could do-over, What would you do differently?

I don’t think I would do anything differently. I always knew I wanted to do something finance-related, so I had no reservations when applying for my degree. However, I was offered a few different placement options and had to carefully decide which company would be best suited to me. I researched each company a lot and realised FinTrU had a lot of different societies and clubs e.g. Women in Finance, which intrigued me.

What advice would you give someone starting out on their career jouney today?

I would say hard work pays off. And always do something you enjoy. Also, be confident and set yourself goals that you want to achieve.

Be confident and set yourself goals that you want to achieve.

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