4C UR Future

Job title

Apprentice Technician


Belfast Harbour

Tell us more about you

I’ve worked for Belfast Harbour for three years as an Apprentice Maintenance Technician.

I’ve always had an interest in Engineering. I enjoy working on my car and looking after it by maintaining the bodywork. At the weekend I love going out with my mates and then chilling out on a Sunday by playing the Xbox.

What kind of work do you do?

Every day is different in my role. As part of the maintenance team, I have to look after many of the assets, pieces of equipment, and infrastructure owned and managed by Belfast Harbour; this includes things like cranes, boats, and lighting towers.

Working on the cranes involves working at height, but there are rigorous safety processes in place, so it doesn’t feel scary and there’s a great view from the top! There’s a lot of interesting mechanical components to manage, including motors, gearboxes, and ropes, as well as electrical components like contactors, relays, and timers.

We also look after the pilot boats (a type of boat used to transport maritime pilots between land and the inbound or outbound ships), regularly performing maintenance on the engines and searchlights.

The maintenance team are tasked with jobs across the entire 2,000-acre Harbour Estate, from the cranes on Stormont Quay to the pump stations at Titanic Quarter… we’re never in one spot for long.

The variety of work is very refreshing and expands your knowledge, and opens many doors in terms of your personal and professional development.

Belfast Harbour is currently putting me through an HNC course in General Engineering as part of my apprenticeship. The training we receive is great and is kept updated, and the support I get from the team here is top-tier. Everyone is always willing to help you out.

Top 5 Skills & Attributes Needed for your job

  • Critical Thinker & Problem Solver

  • Logical

  • Manually Dexterous

  • Team Player

  • Technical

How did you become a Apprentice Technician?

I did my GCSEs and then after school started a Level 3 BTEC at Northern Regional College. I needed to find a job and this role at Belfast Harbour ticked all the boxes for me. It aligned with my interests and offered the potential for personal growth and training. The decision to apply was a no-brainer.

I finished my BTEC, and I’m now heading towards finishing my HNC Level 4. The HNC was optional, but I’m doing it to further my education and develop my skills. Alongside these qualifications, I’ve also completed two NVQ courses in Level 2 & 3.

My career journey has been full of ups and downs but many more positives than negatives. Throughout the duration of my apprenticeship, I’ve been learning something new nearly every other day and I’m hoping that it doesn’t stop there.

What you do enjoy most about your job?

I enjoy being involved in the wide variety of activities and operations that happen across Belfast Harbour Estate and in the Port.

I love meeting new people nearly every day, including colleagues from other teams and departments that I may never have met before, or people we work alongside from other organisations who operate in or use the Port.

If you could do-over, What would you do differently?

If I could go back and change anything I might have applied for my job straight away after school. That would mean that I would have nearly completed my apprenticeship by now, but other than that I don’t think I would have changed anything!

What advice would you give someone starting out on their career jouney today?

You should find a job that allows you to progress and further your personal development, because ‘paper is easy carried’ (qualifications will always be useful to you).

The road ahead isn’t level, it has ups and downs, but if you find a job you enjoy it makes the hills a little less steep.

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