4C UR Future

Job title

Apprentice Web Developer



Tell us more about you

I’m 19 years old and I’m really interested in technology and how it can be used to solve problems.

I went to Wellington College, Belfast, and instead of going to university I decided to pursue an apprenticeship in software development with Allstate. I’m currently working full time while also taking classes to learn more about coding and software development. It’s been an exciting journey so far and I’m looking forward to learning even more.

When I’m not working, I like playing video games with my friends. I’m also interested in exploring new technologies and learning more about how they work.

What kind of work do you do?

As a web developer, my job involves working in a team of other developers to plan, develop, and maintain software projects for use on the internet. We use an agile approach, which means we work in short bursts to create software that can be tested and improved quickly.

One of the things I really like about my job is that it’s remote/hybrid, which means I get to work from home. I set up my own workspace and can work in a way that suits me best. I’m able to collaborate with my team through calls and messaging, and we work together to make sure we’re all on the same page.

I really enjoy being a software developer because it’s a job that challenges me and allows me to be creative. I get to use my problem-solving skills to create software that helps other developers achieve their goals. This aspect of the job is really rewarding for me because I’m able to see the impact of my work and how it makes a difference.

Top 5 Skills & Attributes Needed for your job

  • Logical

  • Innovative & Creative Thinker

  • Attention To Detail

  • Collaborative

  • Flexible & Adaptable

How did you become a Apprentice Web Developer?

I became a web developer through an apprenticeship scheme that I applied for when I was in Year 14. I'd always been interested in technology and enjoyed solving problems, so I decided to pursue a career in software development. The apprenticeship route allows me to gain practical experience while also studying for degree in Computing Systems at Ulster University.

Before starting the apprenticeship, I worked part-time in an IT role for my friend’s dad. I've always enjoyed tinkering with computers and programming in my free time, which helped me to develop my skills and knowledge of this field.

What you do enjoy most about your job?

One of the things I enjoy most about my job is the opportunity to work with a team of talented and motivated individuals who are all passionate about the software we develop. We work together to solve complex problems and create innovative solutions that help to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and provide better experiences for end-users.

I also enjoy the creative aspect of software development. There’s always room for experimentation and innovation, and I love being able to think outside the box to come up with new and exciting ways to approach a problem.

Overall, I find my job to both be challenging and rewarding. I love being able to use my skills and knowledge to make a difference, and I’m excited to see where my career in software development will take me in the future.

If you could do-over, What would you do differently?

If I could do it all over again, I would have started exploring programming earlier. I didn’t really discover my passion for coding until I was in my late teens, and I sometimes wonder if I had been exposed to it sooner, I might have been able to start my career in software development earlier.

What advice would you give someone starting out on their career jouney today?

For young people interested in pursuing a career in software development, I would say start learning as soon as possible. There's so many resources available online these days, from guided projects to online courses, anyone can begin their journey today. I'd also encourage people to seek out experienced developers in the field. There are online communities where you can ask questions and even work on projects with other beginners.

Be open-minded and be willing to take risks. Sometimes the best opportunities come from unexpected places and being willing to take chances and try new things can open doors that you never even knew existed.

Believe in the power of your ideas and the possibilities they hold. The world is waiting for your creativity.

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