4C UR Future

Job title

Sustainability Officer


NIE Networks

Tell us more about you

I’m Jamie Moffett and I’ve been working as an Environment and Sustainability Officer during my placement year with NIE Networks.

I have a passion for sustainability and sustainable development and was searching for a placement that allowed me to put my skills and knowledge from my Geography degree into action whilst learning more about sustainability.

What kind of work do you do?

Every day has been different. Some days I would be working on different projects, other days would be attending sites across the country and each week there would be different events to attend. The highlight was attending the 2023 All-Ireland Sustainability Summit where I had the opportunity to represent the sustainability sector of NIE Networks and learn different methods from other companies.

Everyone around me has been very helpful and encouraging, not hesitating to answer any questions that I may have and providing guidance to my work. I’ve been given lots of different opportunities, been able to get out of office and attend events and also to take a lead on my own projects.

I’ve had my eyes opened to the different opportunities for working in sustainability, it has expanded my knowledge and I would encourage anyone else considering it as a placement to go for it. The interview process was scary and unique but it gave me a lot of confidence, pushing me out of my comfort zone and ultimately being worth it in the end.

What you do enjoy most about your job?

I was really surprised at how friendly everyone was. I haven’t been treated as a placement student but like I belonged. Everyone at NIE Networks is very helpful and very friendly and I will miss the coffee provided in the break rooms.

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