4C UR Future

Job title

Contracts Manager


Mount Charles Group

Tell us more about you

I spend most of my spare time with my two kids and my husband. In the better weather, I enjoy paddle boarding and going to my caravan in Portrush, and getting away to places I have never been before.

What kind of work do you do?

I started with Mount Charles as an Area Manager around 18 months ago and have now been promoted to Contracts Manager.

I look after some catering sites for The National Museums in Northern Ireland. Most of my sites are made up of cleaning contracts and I look after a total of about 90 cleaning sites. I also look after a waste team and an industrial team who complete carpet cleaning, floor scrubs, and the clean-up of major biohazards.

Daily, I deal with my staff on the ground and help with their needs such as cleaning supplies etc. Most importantly I help provide solutions to their problems.

As a Contracts Manager, I work in lots of different environments, sometimes in the office, sometimes out on the road and on sites. Some days I work on my own with paperwork but most of the time we work as a team. We have a wide range of experience within the team and we very much help each other out with different problems that we face on a day to day basis.

Top 5 Skills & Attributes Needed for your job

  • Flexible & Adaptable

  • Focused & Committed

  • Planner

  • Positive Attitude

  • Critical Thinker & Problem Solver

How did you become a Contracts Manager?

I left secondary school with two GCSEs as those were the only two I showed up for. I went to college to study Childcare and complete my Maths GCSE. I spent quite a few years working in hospitality and during that time completed different courses and qualifications, such as an NVQ in Management.

During my career, I’ve worked in outside catering, waitressing, supervising restaurants, managing a bar/restaurant, been a hotel manager and an area manager, and now I’m a Contracts Manager.

What you do enjoy most about your job?

I love that no two days are ever the same. My job keeps me on my toes and there are new obstacles I have to overcome on a regular basis.

If you could do-over, What would you do differently?

I would have completed my GCSEs at school. Not doing so meant I had to return back to education and complete these when I was older so I could get on to certain courses.

What advice would you give someone starting out on their career jouney today?

Never give up, the hard work you put in will pay off in the future. The world is a big bad place. Help yourself by putting effort into school and your studies while loads of help is being given.

Never give up, the hard work you put in will pay off in the future.

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