4C UR Future

Job title

Port Services Coordinator


Belfast Harbour

Tell us more about you

I’m a Mum of two who enjoys yoga, swimming, walking and gardening.


What kind of work do you do?

In my role as Port Services Coordinator at Belfast Harbour I'm responsible for liaising with shipping agents and planning where ships will berth when they arrive into the Port. I ensure the services provided by Belfast Harbour, such as the use of cranes, are booked and positioned in the right place at the right time. I work closely with a number of different departments within our organisation, including Port Control and the Operations Engineers.

I'm mainly based in the office, but from time to time I will get on my hard-hat, hi-vis, and boots and head outside on to the quays to watch ships discharging and loading cargo. I have the option to work from home for two days a week. My office is based at the heart of the Harbour Estate, on the top floor of a building with amazing views across the Port, overlooking some of the most iconic landmarks in the city.

I usually work independently, but our team meets regularly to correlate the information we gather throughout the day. I enjoy working alone but get the most out of working as part of a team.

Top 5 Skills & Attributes Needed for your job

  • Planner

  • Critical Thinker & Problem Solver

  • Resilience

  • Coordinator

  • Technical

How did you become a Port Services Coordinator?

I left school at 18, just after Y13 with my AS qualifications and started working for Danske Bank. I stayed there for 11 years working as a Customer Advisor. During my time there, I studied for the CeMAP Mortgage Advisor examinations. When I turned 30 I knew I wanted to take a totally different direction with my career and decided to take a chance, with a move into a different industry. I took up the role as Port Services Coordinator with Belfast Harbour and I'm so happy I did, because I really enjoy my job.

Just over a year ago I applied and was successful in getting the role of a relief VTSO (Vessel Traffic Service Operator), which is an additional role to the Port Services Coordinator. I can step into either role as and when required. Recently, I attended South Shields Marine School where I gained my V103 qualification – Vessel Traffic Service Operator. It’s just one of the ways in which I've continued with education since leaving school.

What you do enjoy most about your job?

I enjoy the interactions I have with many different people each day. I come from a customer service background, so I enjoy playing a role in ensuring our customers, tenants, and stakeholders receive an efficient service and have a positive experience working with our team.

If you could do-over, What would you do differently?

If I could go back to being a school leaver I would have liked to go to sea as a Cadet and see the world working on ships before eventually finding a shore based role in the Maritime industry.

What advice would you give someone starting out on their career jouney today?

Don’t be afraid of making the 'wrong' choice. If you find you aren’t happy in the career you’ve chosen, you can always make a change or start over again.

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