4C UR Future

Job title

Communications Assistant


NIE Networks

Tell us more about you

My name is Rebecca Hanna, I’m studying a BSc in Communication Management and Public Relations and I’ve worked as a Communications Assistant during my placement year with NIE Networks.


What kind of work do you do?

Tuesdays are my favourite day of the week as it’s our team day so seeing everyone in the office is great and we always have good craic. I work on internal communications so I would write up articles and upload them onto our internal website and I look after the communications for our Charity of the Year, B Positive, which has been eye opening and great that I’ve had my own project for the year.

I don’t think I could have asked for a better experience, from working and directing videos for B Positive, to helping set up and take the lead on internal and external events, it has hugely benefited me work wise. I feel much more confident going into final year, I’ve learnt so much from my amazing team and I never imagined some of the things I would be doing.

How did you become a Communications Assistant?

Since I was a teenager doing GCSEs I’ve known this was the industry I wanted to work in and working with NIE Networks this year has brought to life my vision and confirmed to me that I want a career in this profession.


What you do enjoy most about your job?

I was surprised at how flexible the company is, I always thought placement would be 5 days in the office 9-5, but with where I live and other commitments, flexible working and working from home was a huge bonus for me. Every 3-4 months we have a student placement catch up which was a pleasant surprise as well as it’s great to hear from all the other students and see what kind of work they are doing.

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