4C UR Future

Job title

Nurse/Business Owner


Leadcare Nursing Agency

Tell us more about you

I’m a father of two and the Director of Leadcare Nursing Agency, which is a recruitment agency specialising in the short and long term placement of Registered Nurses in various healthcare settings across Northern Ireland. Our goal is to provide qualified and experienced Nurses to all five Health Care Trusts in Northern Ireland, and we plan to expand the business into Scotland and also to supply Health Care Assistants. I’m also a qualified and Registered Nurse.


What kind of work do you do?

I’m responsible for the overall management of Leadcare Nursing Agency. My work includes promoting the business, developing and creating a brand that is recognised for providing high quality, safe, and effective care of patients.

I attend monthly meetings with the other Directors and Managers, monitor the progression and growth of the business, liaise with our current clients, and seek new clients. My work also includes ensuring the financial viability of the business and making sure our staff, Nurses, and suppliers are paid on time.

I work in an office the majority of the time, Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 5.00pm. I also still work as a Nurse, doing some night shifts with Leadcare Nursing Agency from 7.45pm to 8.00am.

Top 5 Skills & Attributes Needed for your job

  • Accountable

  • Caring & Helpful

  • Communicator

  • Focused & Committed

  • Positive Attitude

How did you become a Nurse/Business Owner?

When I was at school, I didn’t really know what I wanted to do as a future career. Some of my family worked in the building trade so I thought that's what I should do too, knowing I could eventually become my own boss, which appealed to me. I'd gone to work with my father during the summer, which made me realise I wasn't afraid of hard work or getting my hands dirty. It wasn't meant to be because I couldn’t find an employer to take me on as an Apprentice Electrician.

I surprised myself and got good GCSE grades. I was certain I was going to leave school and get a job right away to start making money but after much discussion with my family and teachers, I decided to do A Levels in Double Award Health & Social Care and Business Studies. I have Dyslexia, so I've always had to work harder to achieve my goals.

After completing my A Levels I went to Ulster University to study Property Investment and Development. I thought it would be a cool thing to do and I could wear a suit every day to work. I graduated in September 2009 and struggled to get a job because the property market and local economy had crashed because of the recession.

I was jealous of my school friends who had studied health-related degrees because they all went straight into jobs. At the time, I didn’t think nursing was socially acceptable for a man, as the job has about 90% females. Thankfully, I think this is now changing, and more and more males are working in healthcare.

I worked lots of different jobs over the next few years to pay the bills, including being a taxi driver and working in a call centre, but I wasn’t happy or being challenged. I started working as a Hospital Porter and really enjoyed it. I decided to go back to university and study Adult Nursing. I’ve been a qualified Nurse for over six years and now I’ve opened my own business, with over 100 Nurses working for the company.

What you do enjoy most about your job?

I always wanted to be my own boss. I’m continuously learning and developing as a person.

I love the fact that I can still work as a Nurse through my own Agency, providing care to those in need and working on the frontline. I see first hand the struggles of my fellow work colleagues and can run my own Agency to the best of my abilities to provide support to my own staff.

If you could do-over, What would you do differently?

I'm not sure if I would have done anything different. I'm a believer that things happen for a reason and that I was destined to be a Nurse one way or another. Always go with your gut feeling.

What advice would you give someone starting out on their career jouney today?

I would say it's never too late to change your destiny and career path. If at first you don't succeed, dust yourself down and try again.

If at first you don't succeed, dust yourself down and try again.

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