4C UR Future

Job title

Key Account Specialist



Tell us more about you

I’m 26 (although I celebrate my birthday every four years because I was born on a leap year) from Antrim and I live with my family and six animals. My hobbies include photography, going to the gym to keep healthy, going swimming, and going on adventurous walks with my two dogs. One of my passions is travel, and so far I’ve been very fortunate to visit Dubai, the USA & the Caribbean.

What kind of work do you do?

I work for Staffline Recruitment as a Key Account Specialist, so this means I look after one of our customers, the Irish Football Association (IFA). My day-to-day tasks and responsibilities include: registering new IFA staff for work including Coaches, Doctors, and Physiotherapists who in turn deliver football programmes, sessions, and camps, processing payroll for Agency Workers to make sure they get paid correctly for the hours they work, monitoring Agency Worker holiday entitlement and sickness absence, and processing expenses claims.

I work in an office environment Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17:00. I'm based in Ballymena. The part of the office I work in is classed as ‘back of house’, which means we don’t have any customer or job candidates in our environment.

Top 5 Skills & Attributes Needed for your job

  • Critical Thinker & Problem Solver

  • Focused & Committed

  • Team Player

  • Caring & Helpful

  • Communicator

How did you become a Key Account Specialist?

I loved working on or with IT and computers and people, so I’ve always wanted to work in a job that does both so I could put my potential to use. After secondary school I completed a BTEC Level 2 and 3 in Animal Husbandry, as I’d initially been interested in working as a Veterinary Assistant. I then started working as a receptionist in a veterinary practise and then progressed to my present job with Staffline Recruitment as a Key Account Specialist.

What you do enjoy most about your job?

I love being able to help people get their dream jobs. It can be difficult for people who are struggling in a job that they aren’t happy with, or if they are made out to not be good enough, so I love being positive and speaking with them to get them in a good mindset for their next step on the job ladder. It’s incredibly rewarding in that sense. Helping people into meaningful employment has a tremendously positive impact on society in that it helps change the lives of our candidates by improving their potential for personal growth and career advancement at the same time as earning a wage.

If you could do-over, What would you do differently?

I don’t think I would do much differently, as I wouldn’t be in the great role I’m in today if I changed the way I did things in the past. One thing I would have loved to do is ask for help more at school if I was struggling with a certain subject.

What advice would you give someone starting out on their career jouney today?

Seek advice from trusted sources and take calculated risks to get to do the job you really want. Remember that if one career choice does not work out, take the transferable skills and experience into a new move.


Don’t be afraid to ask for help in making choices.

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